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Friday, July 25, 2014

Two years in California

Today marks 730 days since I left the motherland. Two full years have passed since I left everything I called home. Life looks a lot different than expected. 
But that is the beauty of stepping out in faith, and living life on the edge.

Living in constant sunshine is indeed living in Paradise. I see palm trees outside my bedroom window. I work a few steps from the beach. There is a coffee shop around every corner. Mexican food, where have you been all my life? IKEA started selling Marabou chocolate again. Thank You God!

I miss the rain. It barely ever rains here in Orange County, and when it does, it "sprinkles".
I miss the different seasons. Fall coloured leaves, a blooming spring and a green summer. 
I miss the food and real candy! 
I miss family and friends.

56 more days until our Sweden trip. I hope you are ready for us ;)